
Red sound icon

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I had to look around myself as I couldn't figure it out. But according to Tbest in another topic, it sounds (pun intended) like something to tell players about their own browser blocking sounds until you interact with the page:

It's rather unintuitive because that is a universal "mute/d" icon for places and there's a separate spot for sound when you click your username at the upper right. But I can give an example. Go here like you want to watch some games:
(Or to a game in progress in general)
Notice how it has no sound as players move? Click the red sound icon to "activate" the page via interaction and sounds begin to play as moves do. Prior to this you'd have to interact with something on the page to activate sounds such as clicking on the board. So it's like an additional option plus alert about the browser setting.

I guess people were missing tournament games in other tab while waiting (and probably forgetting) for their games to start due to disabling media autoplay and notifications (Needless to say I disable those too because most things on the web that want to play audio and ones that send notifications are annoyances) and that's a way they are trying and get people to whitelist Lichess in their browser settings, but I have a hunch that a lot will think it's just some buggy page mute button as I did too. What might help is for them to tweak that to a info box type button rather than a contextless icon or at the very least have a info box appear when you hover over it.
It basically has disabled sounds on iPad today for my daily... this feature needs reversing until checked on iPads.
Yeah, I seen others mention that Apple stuff seemed to be hiccuping after this update. So reverting it or maybe disabling it when it detects Safari/MacOS seems safest until it's resolved as it sounds like it does more harm than good there.
Benedikt made a fix for Safari users and it's live now. Is it still happening?
Doesn't work on Firefox here either, tried in a separate profile with more permissions also.

The site also completely breaks in my more privacy-focused Firefox profile.
Please can we revert this change. It doesn’t work on Safari.
Sound has been fixed on Safari 14, but you'll have to wait for a server restart.

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