
Reconnecting Error while playing games even though internet is working fine and no issues

It's a big world, and at any one time more than one person has internet problems.

If LiChess is available on the internet how come so many people are using it without a problem?

It's so weird to me that people with internet problems refuse to try to fix it.
Same with Edge. It is strange. I have no problem doing things on the Lichess site despite this, and for other sites the Reconnecting is not happening at all and those sites function as well.
Same here for a few days and even on the Android App.
Cannot start a new game since this morning... Still reconnecting without success

Does the developer console show anything abnormal? Does disabling all your extensions change anything? Do you have any kind of firewall installed?
@Solal35 said in #14:
> Hello,
> Does the developer console show anything abnormal? Does disabling all your extensions change anything? Do you have any kind of firewall installed?

disabling extensions and firewall didn't improve anything for me.
Idon't know about developper console.
Browser console can be opened by pressing F12 on most browsers.
Just chiming in to say I've been seeing it too, specifically since the Opening Explorer rollout. Not saying that is related, but that's when it started for me.

I mostly notice it when working in analysis board/studies, but it shows up elsewhere.

Usually happens for hours at a time, Chrome, Lichess only, and not related to internet speed/lag.
Even I see this issue right now. There is no way I can share screenshot but my internet is fine and lichess shows reconnecting. Interestingly its showing 'Reconnecting' as I am posting this message.
@Solal35 said in #14:
> Hello,
> Does the developer console show anything abnormal? Does disabling all your extensions change anything? Do you have any kind of firewall installed?

I'm seeing the issue in multiple browsers but also in the app (no extensions or developer console there). I don't have a firewall installed. There is no F12 on my tablet (that I know of).

The issue is intermittent for me, so I can't list steps to reproduce. It also usually only lasts a few seconds - and is gone before I think to make a screenshot.

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