
Puzzle Themes

the locked ones are those that can easily and objectively be verified by the generator. for example, lichess always uses the same definition for game phases (i.e. opening, middle game, endgame), so there is no use voting on that.

on the other hand, the generator can for example see when there's a pin in the position, but it cannot always 100% correctly identify whether that pin is relevant for the puzzle solution. so these kinds of themes are open for voting.
@glbert said in #2:
> the locked ones are those that can easily and objectively be verified by the generator. for example, lichess always uses the same definition for game phases (i.e. opening, middle game, endgame), so there is no use voting on that.
> on the other hand, the generator can for example see when there's a pin in the position, but it cannot always 100% correctly identify whether that pin is relevant for the puzzle solution. so these kinds of themes are open for voting.

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