
Please increase the amount of movies per study chapter!

I really need the amount of moves per study chapter to increased to 5k or more. I would greatly appreciate it!
In order to convince the devs to change the default values, which they obviously seem to regards as sensible, you would need to present a convincing use-case. Then they can evaluate your case and look at the pros and cons.
Supporting huge chapters is something we would like to do. But we're restricted by inefficiencies in the browser. For example, pages really starts bogging down once you pass a threshold on element count.

It's possible to cull offscreen elements from the DOM and only create them when we need them, but that's a serious endeavor in no danger of happening soon. I'd use a dedicated chess UI if you need thousands of moves in the meantime.
@schlawg said in #3:
> Supporting huge chapters is something we would like to do. But we're restricted by inefficiencies in the browser. For example, pages really starts bogging down once you pass a threshold on element count.
> It's possible to cull offscreen elements from the DOM and only create them when we need them, but that's a serious endeavor in no danger of happening soon. I'd use a dedicated chess UI if you need thousands of moves in the meantime.

The reason I need this feature is because Listudy dot org allows you to upload lichess studies and use them as interactive studies similar to Chessable. It would be so much easier to have larger study chapters than having to make multiple chapters for one line!