
Please Create a Way for Users to Vote on Proposed Features

This is a horrible idea. The voting can easily be rigged by multiple ways. People can vote multiple times, it isn’t that hard. They can also advertise these polls to only people who agree with one specific idea. I don’t see how this could work over a large scale like lichess. Also, the people who have ideas on what lichess should do but does not actually say it in forums or something else will also not be heard because of the same reason they don’t participate in the forums. This will still not give an idea on what the fan base wants because barely anybody actually participates in the forums compared to everyone who plays lichess.
Y'all dumb.

Each user should get 1 vote per week.

Users can vote on a thread to increase it's popularity.

A lichess moderator can *check* the thread if it is an idea or suggestion.

If they don't like it, it doesn't get implemented. That simple. But people can still vote on a thread to increase its popularity, if they want the thread to gain attention so that moderators will see it.

Only 1 vote per week, so that people don't waste their votes.
#22 You can kinda do that today just by leaving a comment in a suggestion thread.
@lovlas is a sweetheart @GSP0113 you should not resort to social attacks.

lovlas is there a system in place that you know of for tracking requests?
Voice > votes. You can use a voice as a vote. Voices make it harder to manipulate voting results.
Lay off the lovlas, he's keepin' it real
@clousems What's being proposed here isn't a mechanism whereby the users somehow usurp control from the staff and force them to do whatever they want, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. No one is proposing anything remotely like that.

This would simply be a way to engage the users and to provide some user feedback and ideas to the staff. On the webpage for voting and displaying the votes, I'd suggest a disclaimer similar to the following: "Please note that we collect user ideas for information purposes only and cannot commit to implementing any given ideas on any particular timeframe. That said, we value the input from our users and the Lichess staff keeps a close eye on what users are looking for."

In terms of having 10 votes, first you seem to be thinking that such a voting feature would somehow deprive you of your ability to make suggestions and comments about features in the forums. It would not. You would be able to voice your ideas exactly as you do now. When it comes to casting votes, the idea of limiting the votes of each user to 10 is to force people to evaluate what is currently most important to them, and how important they think it is, as opposed to asking users to provide an unprioritized list of every change they can think of.

As ideas get implemented, or reasons for not implementing them emerge, or as new priorities surface, users could reassign their votes.

Hope that helps.
@GSP0113 It's a terrific and reasonable suggestion.

It's akin to taking a survey after visiting a site or a store, so it can receive helpful feedback from customers.

He is simply suggesting a mechanism for democracy, letting the users decide or at least provide some statistical visibility to the developers about what people want. Otherwise it is a non-democratic, authoritarian model of one or few people deciding what's best for all. This is also fine, but the open source / community / feedback create an impression the site is actively interested in users' opinions.

A simple example of this is the suggestion/debate about the time control for a new Rapid quick play button. Should it be 5+5, 8+8, 10+5, 10+10? A formalized voting feature (beyond text in a forum or Github exchange) is a natural way to have some sense of how users feel about it at a large scale.

@hungarydog Thanks. I appreciate the nod. It's nice to see someone understand this so perfectly. Not everyone does and, on reflection, I think that's mainly because they don't have any experience with feature voting and may not have even heard of it.

I've been developing software for over 20 years and feature voting is neither new nor controversial. At this point, it's considered a best practice to have some kind of mechanism to capture user ideas and preferences. Frankly, it's surprising that Lichess doesn't have something like this in place already and I have little doubt that we will at some point, sooner or later.

How is feature voting used? It's an important data point for making software development decisions and engaging the user base. It results in communications like the following:

1. "The developers have been deciding on which of three features to focus on this quarter. Since there's a lot of user interest in Feature X, we've decided to tackle that one first."

2. "Many of the users have been expressing interest in Feature Y. Allow me to explain why that kind of feature really isn't feasible for Lichess and why I don't expect we'll be working on it anytime soon."

3. "Lately we've seen a lot of interest in adding Feature Z. Frankly, this is something we really hadn't been considering, but we're now looking into it. Stay tuned."

The whole idea of feature voting is not to give up control of your website but to improve the dialog between the staff and the users and to discover staff-user disconnects. Certainly, it's more valuable in some environments than others. But, as you noted, Lichess seems a natural for it: The developers are working on complex software with a plethora of features and options; the website has an open source, democratic ethos; and there are a lot of smart users with a lot of good ideas.

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