
Option to keep engine off by default?

When I enter a study for the first time, the engine is on by default. If I'm trying to do an end game study, this is really annoying because often it will give away the first move and ruin the whole study. But I know others like to have the engine on by default since it would be a few clicks to turn it on every time they enter analysis.

So to me, it makes sense to just add an option in preferences where once can select whether they would like the engine on or off by default. Thoughts?

Maybe it is possible for someone (you or someone else) to write a Userstyle script,
like the ones in -
which disables the engine on page load/reload.

Maybe some developer will catch this forum thread and say "I can do that EASILY!",
and provide such a script :)

Maybe it could even be included on the linked page!

Best of luck!
The engine state is saved across analysis boards and studies, using the browser local storage
I think it is nice that it remembers the choice.

Regarding this thread,
I think they are looking for a way to have the engine always disabled when browsing to some page (a study, a puzzle, ...) -
regardless of what it was previously.

(The way to accomplish the behaviour of having the engine disabled when browsing to a puzzle,
is to have disabled it beforehand - when last using it.)

But if one does not disable the engine (forgets or something),
it will be enabled when going to the puzzle (and possibly the position is "spoiled" by engine calculation/arrows).

So for forgetful users,
I recommend them looking into "solving" this with a Userstyle/extension.
Try opening any analysis/study in a new tab. The engine will always be off by default.
The engine is on if the chapter is in “Practice with computer” mode.

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