
offering draw and talking while opponent thinks


I love lichess, but recently i ran into two problems:

It is incredible disturbing to me, when an opp talks or offers draw when i think on my own time. I have now enabled 'kid mode', at least while im playing, which means, no chat.

The relevant games are these:
Samuel says 'time' while im in the middle of calculating a variation, in order to rescue a bad position.
Dan offers draw while im thinking.

Both cases are against the rules of the game in OTB chess and can result in game loss, when doing it repeatedly. One offers draw while it is HIS move. Then he makes a move and lets the opponent decide. One should never offer draw when opponents clock runs. One should also not talk and do nothing disturbing when opponents clock runs.

There are two possible solutions to that problem:

1) lichess removes both the possibility to offer draw and to chat while opponents clock runs, or adds an option for that.

2) lichess adds eg. 25% to opps clock, whenever one talks or offers draw on opponents time.

I would love, when Thibault adds this option. This would make lichess an even better place to play chess :-)

Peace, SelfmateMan
I just figured out a third possibility: A draw offer, or something one says will not be sent until it is ones own move.
I don't think any of this would be good to actually implement:

The game chat is completely optional. It's a feature a lot of players like, and it's one you can simply disable by disabling the checkbox to the right of the word "chat."

In OTB chess, you actually have to offer a draw when it's your opponent's move. It says it right here:
Actually, this is depressing. It says you have to offer a draw after making a move, but before pressing the clock. I'm afraid that's impossible in online chess.
Thanks for the answer, Messy.

In the two cases i gave, opponents talked/offered draw like 2 minutes after they had moved. I was in the middle of a deep calculation and their action had an disturbing effect. Flow stoppers. Especially in the case with Samuel im sure he did it for purpose. This fits §11.5 in the FIDE link you gave.

My solution given in #2, if it is optional (it only has effect if at least one player chooses it) would not be big problem for the player who talks/offers draw. What he wants to express is still heard but not when the opponent is busy calculating lines. So players doing it for purpose, in order to disturb the opponent can not do it any more, and players who just are not so aware about what the opp just does will still get their message through, just with a bit time delay.
interesting thread - an opponent recently was using the "propose takeback" button (twice) to disturb my thought process, and it did put me off, I have to say.

He/she was clearly doing it to make me think that they had made a mistake, when they in fact hadn't.

I'm not sure if takeback should be allowed on rated games anyway. I play to win, and thus for the points. Isn't that why we play as rated rather than casual?

Here's the game anyway:
for the records, the § regarding draw offers is 9.1.b.1. You are right that it is not an enforced rule, i wasnt aware of that.
Regarding Draw offer, this player Always, and I mean every Single time he is about to lose, he starts making draw offers and lets hes time run out if you dont accept, im sorry for saying this but i just wanna kill the guy for doing this, its extremely annoying and sadly theres no rule that forbids it.

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