
Not enough chess960 tournaments!!!

Same here - Maybe we can have a "Variants Team" where we have hourly/daily/weekly variant arenas of all variants. Problem solved for not just 960, but also zh, horde, atomic, etc.

+1 for agree, -1 for disagree
@Funkmaus you can register an account at
Then you can make comments and reactions in lichess issue tracker the similar way you do here.
Developers can't read all forum topic here (it is nearly impossible) but they definitely follow active issues there, so if you have good arguments you can try to convince developers that above "Variants" tab is a must :)
Same for @Former_Player :)
Or '&^%$#@!₩¥£€_/=÷÷×)(*?-?,;:"`~\|<>{}[]°•○●□■♤♡◇♧☆▪︎¤《》¡¿ or؟
Guys and gals, this is a serious thread... please dont come advertising tournaments and teams.
There are a lot of teams out there. We are not about joining/creating teams, we are about having more chess960-tournaments here. That was the original thread, and now it turned into customized buttons, for chess960 and for other variants....
Which is great idea. Please dont take offence, @Mate_On_f7, @LittleJennyWren but I kindly ask you to stop this here.
Thanks for understanding!

@gbtami - thanks I see, but I dont feel like registring there... If there is any way to repost my post, I would pretty much appreciate that!
#51 They actually rotate the pawns too, they just don't tell you.
I too would like to see more 960 tournaments, including limited tournaments (u2000, u1800, u1600, etc.).

I assume there is some minimal number of players below which tournaments become unviable, but surely this is something that could be played around with, adding more tournaments until they hit this point and then slowly cutting back?

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