
No sound for checkmate

Even after the third time it is very disconcerting - you think you've delivered mate but then there's silence, so you think you've missed something. BTW, another symptom of the problem is that the display does say the a checkmate has occurred, but it doesn't show the updated player ratings. If you reload the page then the ratings do show up.
It’s happening to me too, and I can’t see rating loss/gain
@kingdave2 said in #11:
> Even after the third time it is very disconcerting - you think you've delivered mate but then there's silence, so you think you've missed something. BTW, another symptom of the problem is that the display does say the a checkmate has occurred, but it doesn't show the updated player ratings. If you reload the page then the ratings do show up.

Indeed. The first time I was the victim of the mate. To my surprise I didn't hear that concluding sound so I frantically looked for an escape that clearly didn't exist. Quite a bewildering experience lol.
not the usual sound indicating checkmate. Thanks. For yours works.
Happily the bug appears to have been squashed. Now if only I had learned that by mating my opponent instead of being mated. In any case, thanks!
I had the problem yesterday but it's fixed now.

If you still have it maybe a browser refresh ctrl f5 will do it

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