
Mods can see followers?

#10 I would hope admins are using foolproof methods to catch related accounts instead of relying on questionable “evidence” (if we can even call it that) like following information.
There is clearly a difference between something being used as a hint/lead to more information/supporting evidence/for additional context/etc. and it being the sole basis for a decision. Obviously, every additional piece of information is useful.

I can completely understand people complaining about the follower count or list being removed and similar things but this here is frankly just a ridiculous way of arguing. I'd be with you if this were some kind of sensitive information or if it's obviously just admins getting a completely useless feature (in terms of moderation) because they want to but that's obviously not the case. Please, explain to me how that would make sense given how this is implemented. Mods don't see a follower count or their own followers either, like everybody else. Although even if mods were able to see everything about followers, I still wouldn't really see the issue. But then you could at least *try* to argue that it's just for "personal benefit" and not for moderation reasons.

I really hate accusing anybody of arguing in bad faith but at this point, I frankly don't really see what else this is. I clearly explained what the change does so it's not that you're just oblivious either. I don't want to accuse anybody here of doing it intentionally but I think it's at least a careless amount of unconscious bias.

Certainly, mods (or I or anybody for that matter) aren't always perfect in that regard either but that's all the more reason to try and avoid this as much as possible.

I also don't want to target anybody in particular even if this is basically a response to Namelecc's comment since multiple people have responded here and I don't know who has responded for what reason or motive and agrees with which comment from others exactly but I think everybody can benefit from taking a moment to consider why they are saying something, whether it actually makes sense, and whether it's helpful to the conversation or just to feel good, and also to give people the benefit of the doubt and pay attention to not let preconceived opinions take overhand above the actual situation.
We are here on lichess as per our own free will (we were not invited but we chose to come here) due to its awesome and free features. It is not a democracy here, this is a communist server and we must abide by and respect the decisions of lichess and its hardworking team who has surely brainstormed and studied before implementing decisions if you guys are so desperate to bring back followers (which is just a insignificant and irrelevant number) then use other chess servers where you can keep counting followers rather than just playing chess and learning chess and variants.

We come here to play chess and have some fun & not to become celebrities, this is not the right platform to do that so once and for all lets stop fighting over such insignificant topics.

And what difference does it make whether mods can see followers or not? Try to imbibe some qualities of mods in you instead like patience, perseverance, relentless hard-work etc... one might easily get crushed under this huge burden of responsibility that mods have, and then who are we to question their rights?
Since the title of the thread is wrong, and people can be bothered to read the messages trying to correct it, this won't go anywhere.

Mods can't see followers.

Mods can see who someone is following, just like you can see who you are following on

It's useful to some moderators in some cases.

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