
Make Forum Visible Again!

It seems the Latest Forum Posts on the front page disappeared quietly in April 2022.

It feels wrong for a feature to still exist but be made invisible.
Quietly, because any feedback thread about it, would then be quiet, there but invisible from the lobby, sounds like a clever plan if it was a plan, not an overlook that would last for so long (never know). I did try, this might be my last official windmill charge on this. I do agree that it has been smelling funny to me since that time. But communication is broken it seems.

So, I think I might keep it as a running gag, in my other ramblings at times, just to keep the memory of that prestidigitation prowess, under some respiratory aid. might spark dissonances, in random readers, in other more controlled directional sharing places on lichess still visible from lobby. Salutary dissonances. Thanks for checking on the date.. I think this is good point to keep on this thread. In all sadness, and fuming resignation.
There's good news though, the forums are still here for you all. Just a few clicks away!

They're not going anywhere and we'll keep improving them.
@schlawg said in #53:
> There's good news though, the forums are still here for you all. Just a few clicks away!
> They're not going anywhere and we'll keep improving them.

Just still make it tedious for the renewing lichess population to become aware of its existence on a daily basis.

There is no spin to this. I don't think we can be fooled, maybe attrition and fading memory, can keep the illusion going.

Is the forum really there if it is not visible? Lichess may keep it alive, until it is only those what are already known the community, that keep in surviving.. And then those get renewed. And the mods will finally be able to retire to their no forum at all beach.

we be all grains of sand. I thank the last informative post that gave the date of that lichess joke.
@TheForkPower said in #30:
> on the site where they are testing browser engine stockfish 17+ they are trialling it

You are right! I checked it back when you posted it, and I saw that they implemented it in a very concise way on the right side of the homepage. Unfortunately, it is no longer there. I suspect that probably they didn't like the appearance of the homepage. But I am now optimistic that they will bring it back soon in some way.
@Toadofsky said in #31:
> When people I follow post to the forums, I see those events in my timeline; but also, when people respond in a topic I commented in, I see those events in my timeline. I guess the use case you're talking about is: many players might not follow anyone, and therefore they're unlikely to discover the forums in the first place.

Indeed, that's one of the cases I was referring to. It can also be that someone follows other players but those players don't use the forum either.

But apart from these cases, recent-forum-posts board had a couple of other important functions:

1) Even if someone is aware of the forum, the current timeline just shows the threads or the posts of people that you already follow. But it doesn't make you aware of new threads by other people. Recent-forum-posts makes you aware of any new thread.

2) Even if you decide to check the forum you need to browse 4 different pages in order to check all the new threads. In practice, I would expect that most people just check only a couple of these pages. Recent-forum-posts board brought all of them together making it much easier to stay up to date with everything discussed.

The reason that I find it very useful, is that in general I don't tend to check the forum. But as a matter of fact, whenever I check it, I find several threads interesting and I would like to contribute. I assume that this is the case for many people. They may come here to play or just burn some time, but if they notice that there is an ongoing discussion on a topic they are interested in, they would like to join.

> Forums already tend to be poor at self-moderation (tend to be echo chambers and flame wars, with players not reading each others' comments) so I'm reluctant to encourage changes which seem likely to worsen that problem.

Concerning the echo chambers, it has already been pointed out that the current system, where people see in their feed only the threads and the posts of the people they already follow, enhances the appearance of echo chambers.

Concerning the moderation in general, in my opinion, there are other ways to try to improve the forum (which is better to discuss in a different thread). But proposing to not encourage people to use the forum (by not making it visible in the homepage) in order to address the forum's shortcomings, seems to me like the cure is worse than the disease.
@Loosy said in #55:
> I checked it back when you posted it, and I saw that they implemented it in a very concise way on the right side of the homepage. Unfortunately, it is no longer there. I suspect that probably they didn't like the appearance of the homepage. But I am now optimistic that they will bring it back soon in some way.

At times, testy can be more of a development playground than a test site. It is likely that most new elements or behaviors one might spot there will never make it to the main website.
there is no sad emoticon. a boohoo....

Why tangle the candy like that.. screwdriver in the giant wound.
Yeah, it was probably poor judgement for me to workshop it there while the beta testers team was actively looking at Stockfish 16.
@schlawg said in #59:
> Yeah, it was probably poor judgement for me to workshop it there while the beta testers team was actively looking at Stockfish 16.

I was in comedy mode. Instead I think it is great that you could try to un-clog some conceptual sinuses that way.. if they were not so solidly occluded. Proof of concept, to deter the bullshit feature quality arguments. even if that was not your goal. it is mine.

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