
Losing time when network cuts off

@I_invented_google as i mentioned earlier you get a certain amount for the whole game which is normally more than enough to switch devices or get a charger. I tested it and i can go from my phone to pc in under 2min from off for the pc.

The problem is with unstable connections you eat that time away 2 or 3 seconds a time meaning you wont have much.

There is no cure lichess can give for a bad connection that is a cure only you can give
@for_cryingout_loud said in #21:
> @I_invented_google as i mentioned earlier you get a certain amount for the whole game which is normally more than enough to switch devices or get a charger. I tested it and i can go from my phone to pc in under 2min from off for the pc.
> The problem is with unstable connections you eat that time away 2 or 3 seconds a time meaning you wont have much.
> There is no cure lichess can give for a bad connection that is a cure only you can give

Bad Wifi or internet = nothing working
@nadjarostowa said in #20:
> You started to demand 5 minutes. Now it's 5 seconds. Maybe we can get down to the existing limits for lag compensation?
> Once more: if you provide extra time in case of disconnects, this will be used to gain time, which is cheating. This is not new. This has happened before. On a massive scale. And no, you cannot detect the reason for a disconnect server-side. Technically impossible.
> Your suggestion doesn't make online chess better. It makes it terrible.
> If you cannot come up with a stable internet connection, maybe online blitz or bullet chess is not for you at this point. Maybe try correspondence chess. Also OTB is a valid alternative.

Oh so you prefer making people like me not able to progress!
@for_cryingout_loud said in #24:
> Well thats wrong but also what is your point?

Sometimes when I play
There is not network at all
Which means
That I can’t change device
So there is no solution
@I_invented_google said in #1:
> I lost 3 games because of that... one against a 546 Elo....

so what do you mean? I guess fix your internet or something
@rimac_c2 said in #26:
> so what do you mean? I guess fix your internet or something

No the problem is that sometimes the network completely cuts in the subway... and I live in a country that has network everywhere...
@I_invented_google said in #27:
> No the problem is that sometimes the network completely cuts in the subway... and I live in a country that has network everywhere...

You invent google and have internet plobrems????
You all don’t seem to understand the problem since you didn’t experience this. And your only argument is that there is cheaters lmao.... Isn’t it your job as mods to eliminate these cheaters?!!!!

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