
List of aborters

Could lichess keep a public list of players who abort games when losing? If a player aborted a game or let the time run out, their opponents could report the player to the list with a reference to the game. Then other players could judge for themselves whether the player is aborter, and optionally add the player to their blocklist. Or the lichess community could cast their vote, and, say, 3 red X's would mean that clear majority thinks the player is an aborter.

This way only a few players would end up playing against aborters, and majority could - if they wished - block all such players in advance. Naturally if someone malevolently reported legit players, admins could ban them.
It should be printed in the New York Times as well on a weekly base.
Look, I'm not your therapist, if you have nothing positive to contribute, stay out and stop your spamming.
Really like this idea. Let's see the list you may frequently update this. My last match this guy let the time out:

@BOGOTA1 (childish evil kiddy)

Nope, there will be and should not be any public list of players who abort their games.

One of the Lichess rules is that you are not allowed to publicly shame another user, whether they are guilty of what you're accusing them off or not. What you're proposing would do just that, so no, Lichess won't have it.

If you want to know if a player is an aborter, look at their game completion rate. The lower it is, the more games there were aborted (although it includes disconnections too)
"Nope, there will be and should not be any public list of players who abort their games.

One of the Lichess rules is that you are not allowed to publicly shame another user, whether they are guilty of what you're accusing them off or not. What you're proposing would do just that, so no, Lichess won't have it."

not agreed. people has the right to know if they are playing with a jerk or not. Telling truth about a player like he aborts games and leaves games is totally different from shaming shaming is based on a lie. Its a dirty idea not to make a list of aborters and will be not beneficial for the players why the hack couldn't i tell about someone that he aborts games?? its a fact. that is absurd man .......................

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