
Lichess upgrade

I remember when I had to start getting used to FireFox. I was such an anti-Internet person at the time that I viewed it as some childish teenage obsession and FireFox as some revolutionary kid's tool
for showing off that there's something newer out there than Internet Explorer, out of just popular vote.

The interface, as you can plainly see, is quite different and takes a little adjusting.

Nevertheless, MS sux. You should eventually find yourself acquainted and find organizing your projects easier in FF than with IE with the multi-tabbing and better interface control. ActiveX
performance (things like Java, Flash Player) should all be better, too.

Now, time to test that AdBlock add-on that I've always delayed trying out all this time (not that it should have an effect on sites like this).
It works! I use AOL for my main e-mail and one of the eternal bugbears is the perpetual updating of the main ad. section in priority to carrying out any activity relating to the e-mail - when you have
a poor internet cnnection anway, it's a real bu**er. AdBlock seems to stop that effectively - leaving a blank. I'm sure I'll get used to FF - I like the speed already!

I try not to use MS products unless needed - even to the extent of still using Lotus 123 and Wordperfect (which were far better products anyway). Sadly, I need to have the MS equivalents so as to be
able to test any translated version I need to send to clients.
That's awesome.

Once you'll get used to FF and adblock, I can guaranty you will be horrified when seeing someone using IE. Like I am :)
Hotmail is MS-owned. Worthless piece of shit.

I can see it constantly updating the JavaScript hooks by seeing the flickering (i.e., on and off, perpetual) status icon of Hotmail repeatedly sucking up CPU cycles on my machine. (I don't think it's
necessarily the ads though cause I'm able to remove those.)

To the point of where I send one of my longer e-mail messages, it just stalls there and eventually says "Hotmail couldn't connect right now because the *server* is busy. Please try again later."
F****** piece of shit.
[funny thing is, MS designed Hotmail so that it'd not suck CPU cycles on IE, only FF and Chrome]

@thibault (ninja :D)
There's also this one tech support dude around here that uses IE all the time and keeps calling "FireFox", "fox fire, err I mean fire fox". Recently noticed an article about, o_O Chrome is moving up
in popularity behind FireFox and IE!! What is it with old men and IE huh
oops heh, sorry, forgot you're among the elder

Internet Explorer comes with Windows yes. It's even a built-in part of the OS. For testing purposes I do switch back to it at times. If it wasn't so half-assed with its performance at times, I
would go for the simplicity of what's built in to what I got, too.

I find, though, that I don't have to get used to IE if I'm used to FireFox, but we know from our experience now that vice versa isn't true. FireFox is harder to get used to since it's more complex,
but at least it weighs less on our conscious to become more adaptable between either style.

Better yet, I'll just boot MS-DOS from my flash drive. Kinda miss all that console stuff with KNOPPIX Linux I had, though. Got to get back Linux somehow; damn it's been too long since I actually
tried installing an OS. I only have Windows nao cause I cracked the fat man's password on my own machine, !! which should not have been on me machine !!
Ah - good old DOS - I miss that too. I could do things myself then, even as a non-computer bod! The sad thing is that it was eclipsed by Wndows, yet a very similar - and simpler/sounder - operating
environment could be achieved in DOS: I had a lovely hand-held HP machine that gave the same sort of Windows environment with several programs running solely in DOS, and never had any problems. The
power of marketing.
I know what you mean, totally.

I, too, have been collecting some hard disk management DOS utilities to interface MS-DOS in a way even better than Windows 16-bit. Windows was just a means of masking DOS, as a graphical front-end.

That was until Windows 95 (the first 32-bit Windows), which was only released the way it was cause nobody gave a crap about Windows. DOS remained a superior environment for direct access to the
hardware, so none of Microsoft's other stuff was really marketing that well. Their "DirectX" project of creating a 32-bit, graphical based integration of Windows API programming was the only reason
Windows marketing could proceed over DOS.
(still, OpenGL is much more cross-platform and C-supporting, rather than DirectX's reliance on C++)
shit I feel like I'm slaughtering this thread, can't help it T_T

Starting from Windows 1.01. The effing piece of crap booted up, gave you a mouse cursor to move around, and started freezing and popping up "out of memory" errors until it became completely
non-responsive, making this perpetual popping noise. When all you had to do was move the mouse around and click a couple things to get that quality performance. :D

ah, those were the days :)
You sure you're not one of us Ancients?

I did a bit of (very basic) programming in my trainee years FORTRAN mainly) and then wrote my own AWARI and a Corporation Tax program in Basic! The latter worked - but could only be used by people
who knew the tax rules : you couldn't let an idiot loose on it and have it guide them - but then, I don't suffer idiots well, so why cater for them?

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