
Lichess pages often can't click anything in Safari

Experiencing a persistent problem using Lichess on Safari since a couple months. Often as I navigate around the site, suddenly a page won't let me click on anything on the page, not left or right click. The page itself is not frozen, feeds and live match proposals are still updating, the safari dropdown are still working and other tabs are fine, but I cannot click on anything on the lichess page. If I refresh the page, still cannot click on anything. However, if I close the tab/window and then open the same lichess page in a fresh tab/window, everything is working again. I have not been able to identify a pattern - sometimes this happens when I click the back button, sometimes it happens when I go home by clicking the heading, sometimes it happens when I navigate to a page through the dropdown menus. I am not using any adblocker or antivirus software or extensions. I have cleared history, data, and cache. Doesn't happen in other browsers, only Safari (but this is my preferred browser). Very occasionally, I'm experiencing the same problem on other sites, but it is far and away happening most often with lichess specifically ... as in 1 in 5 times I navigate to a lichess page.

Using Safari 17.5 (19618. on Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)

Is anyone else experiencing similar problems or have any idea what to do? I've scoured the forums here and elsewhere and done a lot of debugging and made no progress. Any help would be much appreciated.

Debug report immediately after experiencing problem, nothing notable as far as I can tell:

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Safari/605.1.15
Cores: 8, Touch: false 0, Screen: 1440x900, Lang: en-US, Engine: null, Threads: null

Thank you
Closing the browser window/tab is the only way after it has frozen.

I noticed a small improvement when I turned off the browser evaluation (local) before I started server evaluation.

So now I always do that and it happens more rarely.
I live with it.
Thanks for reporting this. I'm also having the same problem. I'm frequently unable to click anything while using Lichess via Safari. It usually happens while I'm playing puzzles, and it doesn't happen on other sites I use. I hope it is fixed soon.
The problem is still happening in safari and it is pretty annoying. Lately is not just clicking.... even if i go to google after the freezing even there cant click, i always need to close and open a new window. The problem is not safari.... it only happens in Lichess.
Having the same issue - restarting Safari is the only solution to this - which is annoying in the middle of a match.
In addition to this issue, there is a new issue for some two or three weeks which feels like it's related to this one: sound (moving a piece) is occasionally delayed by two or three seconds. If this issue starts, it won't go away anymore. Again only restarting Safari is the only solution to this - webpage reloading with or without clearing the cache is not enough.
This is also happening to me and it only happened once I updated my Mac to the newest version of Sonoma. Seems like there's something between lichess and the OS that aren't vibing. Luckily it hasn't happened in a match yet as the only solution is to close the browser and reopen lichess.
Same. I usually use Chrome on Mac for lichess, but Safari for almost everything else.

Oddly enough, this seems to effect only the Mac and not the iPad, where I use the Safari based fullscreen web app all the time.

Sound is indeed a bit buggy as well. Didn't work yesterday in Chrome, but in Safari. Something is a bit off it seems.
Hello, could you check from the incriminated devices? And send to lichess if you’re ok with it. It will create a forum post only visible to devs, ping me then I’ll check in a few days.
@Solal35 said in #8:
> Hello, could you check from the incriminated devices? And send to lichess if you’re ok with it. It will create a forum post only visible to devs, ping me then I’ll check in a few days.

Hi, are you a dev? Do you have a policy of identifying yourselves as devs when posting in this forum?
@Mr_Kuryakin Yes, you can check my profile, but no there is no particular identification when posting in the forums.