
Lichess Bans Keyboard

As I said earlier, kb ban is no point, there are other ways to implement it and some mouse players are ok with kb.
kb is outplayable. There are many skilled and strong kb users, but for most kb users, the faster they play, the easier they are on the board. It only gets annoying in drawnish endgames.
Interesting. While I am exclusively a mouse player -- I do not feel that there should be a blanket ban on keyboard users. In rated tournaments, however, yes, I do believe kb should not permitted. That said, in casual games or certain tournaments that specifically permit it, kb should be fine.

The brilliant developers at Lichess should, instead, focus on the primary issue -- lag compensation. Lag compensation is a much bigger, more prevalent problem, and one that should be addressed. Ultrabullet is no longer playable due to the extent of lagging players, and unfair lag compensation.

I hope Lichess makes some changes to this in the future.

Anyways, Lichess still is the best chess platform, by far ;)
so you basically are gaining an unfair advantage with they keyboard, which is basically like a macro, it HAS to be banned
Ban kb is a great solution from Lichess, kb was a legal cheat for ultrabullet, which gave a huge advantage with the help of an extraneous program. Big thanks to the Lichess administrators!
Would be great if KB was banned, it's obviously cheating and the only reason anyone would think otherwise is because they love the free advantage it gives them over other players.

Moving your mouse randomly while holding shift to flag a legit player in an endgame is NOT fair and never will be, that's just obvious.
It's funny how those good with the mouse are so adamant about banning keyboard.
I was never good with the mouse, that's why I avoided several video games which are too mouse dependent.
In chess it takes me more than a full second to move with my mouse and double that time to play another piece from what I am holding... In the mean while I can think 30 times faster but have no way to deliver it in the same speed.

Even though I am crappy at using KB and I drop way too many pieces due to mis-clicks, it still allows me to deliver my thoughts at a reasonable speed!
If it goes away, no more fast game controls for those who can't use a bloody mouse.
@Chess_Poems said in #6:
> It's good tech that is just being abused. Please keep it and modify it so you can't spam so hard. Level the field by giving it to all users, and nerf it:
> -- no multi premove extension... A big part of what people hate is the mutli premove arrow drawing spam, and unlike com you don't lose any fraction of time for using multiple premoves.
> -- restrict the ability to hold multiple keys down to "circle" ie spray and pray, resulting on a random moves sequence by throwing the cursor around
> Physically my hand can't take so much clicking of the mouse anymore... That's why i started using keyboard.
> I'd have to stop playing hyper and ultra if lichess removes it. Or play much less, probably not a bad thing ;p.
> But keyboard has allowed me to keep playing these time controls. If you're older and/or have physical limitation (bad mouse hand / carpel tunnel, etc) you would likely benefit from using it as well. Or if your computer or mouse aren't great, the extension makes it playable (it makes playing from my laptop bearable).
> Plus I haven't had to keep buying new mouses once they inevitably break from clicking so much during bullet games.

From all the related posts, I find the above to have the most well placed arguments.

It would be exceptional for Lichess to be the first in the implementation of such feature which may help those who suffer some difficulties in using the conventional methods, like the mouse.-

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