
is there any way of bookmarking a puzzle?

I recently noticed a star that appears as you hover over the top left somewhere where you can bookmark a game so it can be easily found at a later date amongst the many thousands played. - You might thing that having played said amount of games would be conducive to my improvement, but for some reason in my case, it's not really. However, every so often in getting though those puzzles I have one of those "wow, I never would have thought that!" moments, but whatever it was becomes soon forgotten as once you click off the puzzle it's gone forever.
My point is, it would be great if there was a bookmark star for the puzzles, just like in the actual games - I really think it could contribute significantly to my improvement.
Hopefully I'm just missing something and this feature already exists? but I haven't found it anyway.

What do I say now? is it just bye or something, or just nothing? Nothing feels odd.

Nice one.
Once you have completed the puzzle, you may go to the game in which the puzzle was found. You can then bookmark the game. It's quite hard to find the exact move that the puzzle tested you on, but I think that's the only way.
Why not just use the bookmark feature of your web browser?
thanks guys - both good ideas.

If I bookmark in the browser will that take me direct to that exact puzzle? or just the puzzle page, with a new puzzle on it? Wait a minute... why don't I go and try it.
hang on...
@mcgoves said in #3:
> Why not just use the bookmark feature of your web browser?

I just tried it - unfortunately it just navigates to the current puzzle, not the one I actually tried to bookmark.
Oh well - worth a try though.
Looks like I'll have to do the other suggestion (from ChessladderJP) which will certainly do for now. I hope they bring in a feature to do it though. That would be great.

Thanks for your help both of you.
@Save-Ferris Every puzzle has an ID made up of letters and numbers. You can see it in the top left-hand corner. This links to a URL that you can bookmark to return to that exact puzzle.
@pigeonpal said in #6:
> You can see it in the top left-hand corner.

For instance, in today's puzzle of the day, find IbWuf in:
Puzzle #IbWuf
Rating: hidden
Played 14,937 times
@pigeonpal said in #6:
> @Save-Ferris Every puzzle has an ID made up of letters and numbers. You can see it in the top left-hand corner. This links to a URL that you can bookmark to return to that exact puzzle.
@mcgoves said in #7:
> For instance, in today's puzzle of the day, find IbWuf in:
> Puzzle #IbWuf
> Rating: hidden
> Played 14,937 times

That's excellent news - I'm so glad I asked. - Sincere thanks to both of you, you've been really helpful.
There is one more option. All the puzzles you've ever solved or tried to solve are easy to find. They are automatically saved to your personal puzzle history. To view all of your past puzzles, open the Puzzle menu, click Puzzle Dashboard, then click Puzzle history.
@alsoran said in #9:
> There is one more option. All the puzzles you've ever solved or tried to solve are easy to find. They are automatically saved to your personal puzzle history. To view all of your past puzzles, open the Puzzle menu, click Puzzle Dashboard, then click Puzzle history.

Thanks - I never knew that existed.

Oh dear oh dear - I just tried it, but was just confronted with endless pages of the word "FAILED" in bold red highlight! - just endless! - but what a wake up call !!

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