
If the page is not closed during the tournament, will it be considered cheating?

I am 13 years old and had just won an online tournament, and then my account was tagged. I couldn't figure out why it was considered cheating until I found out that the page was open in my Chrome, but I didn't do anything at all during the tournament. I wonder if that's the reason. Have you ever had a similar experience?

I didn't find out about this until I filed two messages on the appeals page, and now I can't submit any additional information. Do you guys have any other suggestions? Or if there's an administrator who can be fair, deal with it?

This tournament is CFC rated and if I am not treated fairly, it may affect my future playing chess, so disappointed and angry!

My dad watched me silently during the tournament. He and God knew I didn't cheat at all, but who could believe it? The world is not fair!
@harveyzhanghan said in #1:
> account was tagged. I couldn't figure out why

It could also be that you're a 13-year-old who isn't using kid mode.

@harveyzhanghan said in #1:
> CFC rated

I thought we banned CFCs in the 80's.
@EvilPyrokar said in #4:
> Not bad, ur dad must be proud.......
Such high accuracy and then immediately blunders in the next game...
@mcgoves said in #3:
> It could also be that you're a 13-year-old who isn't using kid mode.
No, a playban for that would be too harsh.

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