
I missed mate in 5 ! Can you find it

I missed it. Qe6 fails to Kh8 Qf6 Kg8. ed8 fails to Qd8 Qe6 Kh8. Only thing I can see is about 7 moves?
@Zinner_Override said in #2:
> I missed it. Qe6 fails to Kh8 Qf6 Kg8. ed8 fails to Qd8 Qe6 Kh8. Only thing I can see is about 7 moves?

I can confirm that mate in 5 exists but tricky one
@Ihsan2040 said in #3:
> I can confirm that mate in 5 exists but tricky one
Interesting. I think I found it. Second move is a quiet move? Didn't wanna spoil it for future solvers.
@Zinner_Override said in #4:
> Interesting. I think I found it. Second move is a quiet move? Didn't wanna spoil it for future solvers.

good direction
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