
i don't like how lichess is slowly becoming more politicized

I honestly don't really see what the quote has to do with politics. They didn't say they support or they are against... whatever issues are going on in the world. Just a quote. Nothing else. I do appreciate how they're not becoming politicized like I'm converting more and more to lichess every day because the majority forums on there are either political related, spam, or help! I'm 150 elo and cant improve.
@glbert said in #7:
> their black lives matter blog was published 4 years ago.
And when was their "Palestinian lives matter" blog published?
@glbert said in #7:
> in my opinion, people playing on a server running on free software and complaining about politics are hypocrites.
Well said! I can think of other ways to be hypocrite though...
I think say chess is politics, is itself meddling in politics... Politics becoming a blackhole for the word politics. A Philippe Druillet maelström or vortex swallowing all into itself: Politics!

did a google search for my reference, did not find the image I meant yet (glad to see, among us still).

I don't like instagram, but eveyone can do mistakes and get trapped in there: for the image I had (but I remember ones with colors, it is kind of a motif of the authors drawn stories). But this one does give the gist of it.
I don't even understand the thread , more politicized , about what? I think lichess is as neutral about everything that it can be and it's ethos is free chess, for everyone, for life ,they've been lovely to me as a mental health sufferer and I really appreciate that xxx
I do appreciate how they're not becoming policitized. I'm converting more and more to lichess every day!
@GabeMiami17 said in #11:
> I do appreciate how they're not becoming politicized like

The op is also saying that. Can someone explain that usage of the word "politics" as applied to chess dot com. So we can have one data point from one subjectivity? (there are lots flying around, but maybe catch one in its course, to get something tangible, and possibly get somewhere together).
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@dboing said in #17:
> The op is also saying that. Can someone explain that usage of the word "politics" as applied to chess dot com. So we can have one data point from one subjectivity? (there are lots flying around, but maybe catch one in its course, to get something tangible, and possibly get somewhere together).

I don't remember the OP saying that but is always stating sometime politicized on their articles that they come out with. Stuff with current political stuff, which DM me if you want the specifics and I'm like, bro we come hear to play and read about chess not for this political chess stuff.
@GabeMiami17 said in #19:
> I don't remember the OP saying that but is always stating sometime politicized on their articles that they come out with. Stuff with current political stuff, which DM me if you want the specifics and I'm like, bro we come hear to play and read about chess not for this political chess stuff.

justincruz said in #1:
> Lichess is slowly getting as politicized as

So any kind of politics? Chess at large politics, world politics, society issues politics. Being a community means having more than game pairing service. I don't think this is the full scope of lichess.

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