
I can' send inbox messages?

I only use chrome if that is what you are asking
Oh yes, now chat it isn't working at all. All messages sent go to limbo as the page is refreshed.
Tested in Firefox and Edge as well.

Also, the bell notifications remain unread after page is refreshed. So the bug is related to notifications.
There is an issue with the redis cache server (message broker) being used, and that is causing all this trouble. A fix is on the way soon.
@WorthwhileConquest28 said in #57:
> There is an issue with the redis cache server (message broker) being used, and that is causing all this trouble. A fix is on the way soon.

Once again *shakes fist at the redis cache server*
Again that same trash problem oof!
Why licxhess creating bugs especially with pms
They should be careful I guess

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