I would like to change and customize the background. I also found some youtube videos that explain that. I manage to change the background image, but the image is blurred. Who knows how to do it right?
Click on your name on top right -> background -> transparent, paste the URL? It isn't blurry for me
@rokoroks I have done that but it is blurry. That's why I am writing here.
Can you give me the link so I try?
The image is low resolution (see how small it is) and it gets streched out. You need a higher quality image.
It's blurry because the image dimension is too small. You should search for `wallpapers` dimension in order to get a good result, especially if have a big screen.
How do I find out what the right resolution is?
You need to find a higher quality version of that image (if it exists), or try putting another similar image.
your resolution is 300x168
i have this one, it is 1950x1300
1920x1080 should be great too (which is usually the background quality)
your resolution is 300x168
i have this one, it is 1950x1300
1920x1080 should be great too (which is usually the background quality)
try putting this one
try putting this one
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