
Help: how do I get notified when quick pairing finds a game for me?

I just assumed that if I switch to another browser tab while searching for a game, I'll get a beep or something if an opponent is found and my game starts. However, last night I apparently left some poor fellow waiting, and the game I didn't realize had started was autoaborted. With a warning for me about a possible ban. Not quite what I was going for.

So, is there such a functionality and I just have it disabled somehow? (I looked through settings, but it's possible I'm being blind). If so, please help! Or do I simply have to stare at the screen sitting in that tab until the game is found?
@mcgoves said in #3:
> There should be a sound. Make sure you don't have autoplay of media disabled in your browser settings (the opposite of this:

That link helped. It hadn't occurred to me that Lichess could play normal move sounds, but fail to notify me about the game start, and the difference would be in my own browser settings. Thank you!

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