
Flagging with only 1 minor piece

@ArnieChipmunk said in #1:
> Hello, I’ve been playing online chess since 1995 and am still surprised lichess allows flagging in endgames where both players have only one minor piece left, such as KN vs KB or KB vs KB. I understand there are theoretical wins in such positions, but why not allow someone to ‘try’ a mate for say a maximum of 5 more moves, and then call it a day? A similar thing can be done for KR vs KR which in 99.999% is also an immediate draw. Sure, allow the ‘flagger’ to try for a few moves and potentially reward his faster play, but then show a little mercy on the poor person being flagged - and indeed the spirit of the game, which stipulates you can’t win with just one minor piece left. It’s the decent thing to do. A nice platform such as lichess shouldn’t be abused by silly flaggers who are too weak to win by any normal means.
You can easily play rapid or classical if you don't want to get flagged.
Also, I'll bet that you've flagged at least 10 people in your life.

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