
Coordinates training should display square name using lowercase letters

A quick google search showed that this topic has been posted three years ago, but nothing has been done:

I think the coordinate-training could be a nice tool for my six year old son, but in the current form, I will not use it. For him, uppercase - lowercase is a big topic right now, and showing him uppercase letters and asking to write lowercase seems wrong.

I understand that this is somewhat low priority; then again, it's probably just one line of code.

If you want to make it perfect, choose a font where "a" is displayed in the single-storey-form, not the double-storey as here.
This would make it easier to read for first-graders, while changing nothing for anybody else.

Thanks in advance, kiesp
I actually suggest that the default should be changed, because the board display and move list on use lower-case letters.
Could'nt userstyles change the case of letters (or change it in the CSS for 8 letters)? or the JS would keep reverting it back?

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