
Change color to lines of the profile progress graph

I don't know if it's already possible, if yes please tell me how because I didn't see it in the preferences.
I would like to change the colors so that I can instantly associate the mode/variant more easily. The problem that I'm facing is that all the modes I play have cold colors, like green, blue and light blue, especially blitz and training have the same color, the only difference is that training is dashed. Another example is classical and rapid, one is light green and the other is green. I'm sure the choices of colors are not random but I would like to personalize them.
I would like for example to make training red so that it quickly disassociates from all the other modes. It's possible that red is already used in some variant I don't play so at this point the solution would be to leave it completely up to the user to decide what color for what mode. For example I would put violet or yellow for atomic and racing kings, which are the variants that I dislike and don't play.
I think it would be helpful to many to see their progress faster.
I like this suggestion but I don't think Lichess itself would develop such an option any time soon. I'll see what I can do and post to the CSS, JavaScript, Coding On Lichess team.
I've been looking into this and am struggling a bit, but I will keep trying!
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That's what I saw, and I did stroke{color: red} but the problem is it selects all strokes and I can't find a more specific identifier.
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This is all I have:

path {
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 2;

But I will look at those pages you linked and check it out. Like I said, I'm not taking this project seriously or dedicating much time to it. Just a fun side thing to investigate.
I have no idea what you are talking about but I really appreciate your work. Thanks for trying.
@deadban CSS and JavaScript are computer languages that make up the way a website looks and interacts with users. We are talking about the source code of Lichess and how we can tell the website which parts to change the color of the rating graph lines. We just don't know if we have to do it in JavaScript or if it's possible in CSS

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