
Cannot log into my lichess account - timeout page

As of today, I can't log into my lichess account (orenlivne) via Chrome on a desktop. I get a timeout page. The Android app works normally. I tried incognito mode but it doesn't work either - signing in hangs. Is there anything going on right now with the server, or if it's just my account, how can this be fixed? Thank you.
@BlindLeo said in #1:
> As of today, I can't log into my lichess account (orenlivne) via Chrome on a desktop. I get a timeout page. The Android app works normally. I tried incognito mode but it doesn't work either - signing in hangs. Is there anything going on right now with the server, or if it's just my account, how can this be fixed? Thank you.
Looks like it's fixed?
common advice- clear browser cache , all stuff, check for viruses, reset firewall and connection settings and all stuff with connections
Thanks for your response. Cleared browser cache, but that did not help. Connection, firewall is not relevant since I can get to In fact, I had a friend log into his account on the same machine and it worked. It's only this particular username (orenlivne) that does not log in - the cursor becomes a "no entry" sign upon clicking the "Sign In" button, and then the website hangs. Is there anything wrong with my account? Does need a reboot?

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