
Can Lichess Please Change The Feature

First of all im a kid too , thers nothing wrong with that, second of all that is public shaming this gives me a reason to report you. third of all there is nothing wrong in asking @lichess or @thibault or some mod it doesnt matter who to change the team limit back, certain people do not like it and we can request them to change it back. If you are a critic, be a critic IDC about that.
@Thenightfury_70585 there is a lot difference between opposing and shaming , report me if u want ( i dont mind ) . secondly donnot ping thibault or any mod . ok , why dont u enquire with larger teams and thier opinions about this ?
@WillBeAGrandMaster what u said saying that we should be in kid mode is public shaming, it isnt like we r 8 yrs old or something we know what we r doing unlike some people (not public shaming , just a figure of speech )
@Da_king07 ohk sorry , my personal opinion was it , i was just trying to say that people are started too much of rivalry for teams eg- a person leaves a team and joins another , and the leader of the team in which the person left fights with the leader who the person joined instead of friendly attitude among teams in tourneys and battles

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