
CALLING ALL PATRONS: If you are a Patron, can you disable the orange DONATE ad?

I think having the donate button up there isn't really distracting or annoying - it's only the color, as orange differs quite a bit from grey. So if it would "fit in" it would probably not annoy people - on the other hand it wouldn't stick out - and I guess to stick out is its intended purpose.
However, if we have such a donate button on the top bar, do we still need the donate button under the community button? I would be in favor of moving that pop-up (with the cute wing) under the donate button.
But these are just my thoughts. And even if the inconsistency in color is a little annoying, it is by no means bad. Mixes it up.
You are like a Russian infiltrated in Europe asking not to send one more euro to NATO. Why do you want to defund Lichess?
@ kosciuk said in #12:
> You are like a Russian infiltrated in Europe asking not to send one more euro to NATO. Why do you want to defund Lichess?
That wasn't my intention. I just think that the button sticks out - and there's nothing wrong with that. I just have to get used to it - and of course I support lichess. I don't want to cause no mess here - I play and post on lichess, for a good reason.
@IbrahimMoizoos said in #9:
> Thanks! Optimistic that this aggressive ad campaign pays off and Lichess can grow as a company to compete with Chesscom, especially after the PMG acquisition. Competition is good!

I think you're unaware of the fact that you are talking to the Lichess God, Thibault.
@IbrahimMoizoos said in #4:
> I mean this eyesore:
> Thank you, that means there are 2 ways to get rid of the orange nag text.
> 1) Pay monthly for Lichess Patron
> 2) Use browser extension or blocker

Is this normal I don't have this button? Did you add it yourself?
Only non-patrons see it. Patrons are already donating so it would be weird to implicitly point out the option again.
@benwerner said in #16:
> Only non-patrons see it. Patrons are already donating so it would be weird to implicitly point out the option again.

Indeed thanks @benwerner !
@Hitsugaya said in #15:
> Is this normal I don't have this button? Did you add it yourself?

Yeah since you are a patron you don't have it...if you feel the need to see it just go to lichess in an incognito window or something :)
@mistmuth said in #18:
> Yeah since you are a patron you don't have it...if you feel the need to see it just go to lichess in an incognito window or something :)

It doesn't even work in incognito, I had to log in with an account without the patron to see it, quite the effort!

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