I think there should be an official tournament where GMs will play where black will move first to continue the #BlackLivesMatter campaign.
Where were you a few weeks ago when a surprisingly high number of other equally hilarious comments were posted on the matter?
I'm attempting to find a user-style where all the pieces are the same color, but I can't access the site which hosts those styles. :(
Yoko Ono: Play It By Trust :)
@Toadofsky Seems UserStyles has a slow connection. I am in the process of moving all of my styles to a neocities website I made here: chesswurmotb-styles.neocities.org/bmf.html
@prajeet2010 I made this website and piece sets for you here: chesswurmotb-styles.neocities.org/bmf.html
@prajeet2010 I made this website and piece sets for you here: chesswurmotb-styles.neocities.org/bmf.html
@ChesswurmOTB It's always like that. Probably running on a pi-zero - I didn't have the patience for it!
I keep getting a 504 timeout error, got sick and tired of it so made my own solution haha
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