
As of today, Israel stands charged with plausible genocide by the ICJ. Where's the Lichess statemnt?

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Netanyahu a message to you from a star of david. You become what you hate xxx
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@four_legs_good said in #14:
> In which case explain to me the blog posts "Ukrainian voices" and "Black lives matter". As I said, I fully support these causes, but now I am under the impression Lichess thinks Palestinians have no voices and Palestinian lives don't matter.

This is not a correct syllogism.
In my opinion they're not doing it because both parties are clearly attackers and have accomplished acts of violence recently. So they would first need to collect testimonies from 7th October survivors and then from Gaza survivors.
While in the articles you cited there were clearly one attacking side and one defending side.

> Lichess userbase doesn't give a fuck, as you elegantly put it

Thank you.
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I will start by defining terms.

Zionism is not Judaism.
The state of Israel is not "the Jews".
Hamas is not the Palestinians (that would be like saying that all Irish people are the IRA).


Both-sidesing this is untenable. A lot of what is still widely supposed to have happened on October 7th did not happen at all (as confirmed by Israeli TV). In any case, only an actual psychopath could excuse himself in the indiscriminate slaughter of tens of thousands of defenceless women and children on the ground that they share an ethnicity with an alleged culprit.
This did not start on October 7th anyway, and people who want to play semantics about a state versus a UN Mandate are either irredeemably stupid or disingenuous. There's books to read (such as The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi), and there's footage of then President of the US Harry Truman standing in front of a map of Palestine talking about the process of settling it.

I totally get where OP is coming from. Ukrainemania was quite the phenomenon, though what was actually happening (as opposed to what the propaganda machine was churning out) was all very predictable, like the result that we are now inching towards. Then the West's pet rogue state excels itself in doing the purest and most pitiless evil, and all too many of those who jumped on the Ukraine bandwagon ("for once it's not us doing it, and we can point the finger for a change") are silent or hem and haw and hedge and both-sides and try and kid on that they don't see all the videos of the "Hamas fighters" under the age of five who have the acronym on their medical notes WCNSF which means Wounded Child No Surviving Family. Or that bloke who was just trying to reach his extended family under a white flag in a safe zone who was shot dead or dying and then the people recovering his body were also fired upon.

If there's any of this you didn't know, then get out of your bubble. If you did know all of this but you still defend the actions of the Netanyahu regime, I give up on you.

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