
Are you a designer? You can help

Oh yeah that's right, guess I meant "confine", but apparently either one works really.

Well I wanted to say it, but it's not 100% accurate with the later two pictures, and I just don't wanna be an ass. :D
Your choice! As they say: "Better to be thought a fool, than open your mouth and prove it" !
I don't see what's so bad about proving self-foolishness. Good way to keep people informed, rather than confused.

lol, but seriously, yeah I get what you're saying :D

It was more of a meanness kind of thing than an actual, honest observation, even though the instinct did occur to me.
Wouldn't you rather be thought of as a Big Strong Silent type? But I guess you've blown that one here!
I would like to be thought of as myself. Deceiving people doesn't bring me any learning opportunities.

I'm almost always that way, though (the strong and silent type) in a lot of real life stuff, if I'm not with a friend, but on the Internet, all it means is that no electronic data was sent through
user accounts. The purpose is to exchange ideas.
I think most people behave differently - even if only slightly - depending on the circumstances and people they're with: in effect, a form of deception and putting over an image of one sort or another
that they want to project at the time.

Most people aren't interested in learning or even listening to new ideas - especially those of others: after all, we're all perfect, aren't we? It's just everyone else who can benefit from our own
perfect wisdom.
Of course, as long as we have it. Wisdom doesn't come to people who were never at any point interested in learning, though. The best way to maintain it is to keep learning.

I was always completely silent on this site, actually, the first few months. I knew about it cause an old mate found a link to it, but eventually I had to start suggesting a couple things. And from
that point, for consistency sake, keep chatting. :D
Nice, I love it! The typo looks good and the knight is ferocious at will.
Next one mates, keep them coming!

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