
Annoying flashing colon on time controls is putting people off!

dats right son, dis is how lichess rollz, modernity championzz, trend kingzz
I don't fancy sacrificing my ability to concentrate because something looks "modern" and "sharp", and I'm sure multiple users would agree wth me. This is primarily a chess website, so the effort should go into making the experience good, not making to look nice. Of course the latter can be achieved, but not when it negatively affects the experienxe by putting players off.
i dont think im the only one who plays chess while surfing listening to music etc, so i find it pretty astonishing that 2 discreet blinking dots can distract our super GM calculations!
Listening to music is a lot less distracting then watching a blinking light taking me off the game during faster time controls.
This is clearly something that should be a toggle. Very irritating.
Not annoying at all for me. You should just relax, people, and do not be so nervous.
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It doesn't bother me, but super-lol at the people saying it doesn't bother them so leave it alone. Guess what, guys. You aren't the only people in the world and people are not all the same.

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