
Ability to wager

I don't how the actual logistics of it would work but I think a feature where you could enter a separate pool of people around similar elo as you and could wager would be really cool.

1) It could attract more streamers onto Lichess
2) A new exciting feature for the general players
3) Could interest people who were not traditionally chess players and bring them into the game

A thought for the transfer of money, it could be facilitated through a bitcoin wallet, they're often very easy to deal with and would eliminate the need to go through credit card company's and such.

Would love to see this implemented!!!!
I think the number of complaints about cheating would go through the roof.
pretty sure this won't happen. and:

> it could be facilitated through a bitcoin wallet

this makes the idea even worse.
KontraChess tried this idea. How is that site doing?
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