
Abandon the Changes!

The recent update of Lichess changed pairing in the lobby. Instead of freely specifying the rating range of your challenge in absolute terms, now you have to put it as relative to your own rating (lower border between -500 and 0, upper border between 0 and 500). It is an absolutely disastrous change. I will quote what I wrote about it in one of the previous threads:

In one of the threads protesting against this change one user shared his story: he placed his challenge in the lobby and it was picked up by an elite GM. It was the greatest chess experience of this guy's chesslife. Now it would be impossible. Why? Without any rationale. Someone simply decided that he will strip us of such experiences because he can, full stop. Outraging, isn't it? The second problem is that now you cannot set the rating range only above your rating (if you want to learn from stronger players) or only below (if you want to practise consistency against weaker players). The third problem is that the strongest players in rare variants will virtually never find someone rated less than 500 points away from them in the lobby. I hope that now you do understand the whole family of problems.

Up to date, we received no explanation, despite the fact that there were some 20 threads protesting the changes and probably nearly 100 individual users expressed their outrage. It suggests that the developers and moderators have us (ordinary users), to put it possibly politely, in their sigmoid bowel.

Look at the fate of previous threads protesting the changes. One was closed for a good reason (, some more were closed for no reason (for example and, one was shadowly pushed down the forum history despite receiving new posts ( and many more subsided on their own.

It clearly shows that there is no use answering here, because the thread can be closed at any time. What should we do then? Well... Abandon the Changes. #AbC. Only take care to avoid "spamming" as described in ToS we all agreed to, don't give a pretext to be banned.

Now to developers and moderators: do you still remember your dream of creating a community in which everybody could play chess free and unsuppressed? If you do, please, think once again whether you actually want to shatter these ideals and ignite a dictatorship, having no possible gain apart from some strange satisfaction.


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