
Why if we have U2000 marathon blitz can get out of mommies basement and go play a *real* tournament with *real* people and prove you're actually *real* players.
Some people have a few weird things you possibly haven't heard of.
They are called: a job, children, and responsibilities.

These strange things can negate the possibility of IRL chess play at organized events.
Yeah got all those t-shirts and am living them right now.

If that is one's only outlet for anything approaching real chess, then its what you have to do. I get it, I live it. The days of multi-day regional events, or loftier options like playing in Prague for the summer, those days are long gone.

But the overwhelming majority of folks playing online aren't that. They think playing online is real chess. Its not even close.

just resign yourself as i have that your never gonna get a virtual trophy unless you donate.. :)

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