
why endgames are so hard ?

This is my problem too. and I’m same like you I’m playing London System opening every game,I’m good at middle games but I’m bad at endgames, can I have anyone’s advice?( Mostly I play classic)
@kyamkyam009 said in #1:
> I am playing a lot of classical games lately ,because i want to improve , but in most of times I achieve an drawn endgame , or I have some advantage and at the end I lose like this game
> Any advices ?
> it is better to keep myself in the middle game till I am sure the exchange will give me a winning endgame ?
Are you joking? Endgames are so easy
<Comment deleted by user>
LOL the London System fans can keep downvoting me, which will never change the fact that Queen's Gambit is 67 times more popular than LS at master level. Most masters don't use the London system because it often gets punished at their level.

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