
Why do people like the Najdorf Sicilian?

I am watching Tony Rotella's short primer on the Najdorf Sicilian ( because I am interested in picking it up. However, I'm noticing that in every (and I mean it) 6. Bg5 line, black just ends up being brutally attacked (usually up a few pawns) and forced to defend the whole game. I know there must be a reason people enjoy playing this defense, but it seems a little masochistic. Any Najdorf experts that can give a reason not to shy away?

- Maz
A REALLY like white's positions in these lines, but black is just being attacked so violently, that I can't imagine it would be fun.
I can't even fathom why would someone play 1. c5 in response of 1. e4…
Who doesn't like playing defense for an entire game?

That's why I play the Najdorf :)
Wow. Maybe because we know theory and those brutal attacks are not brutal?
I play the Najdorf and yes, I have been mated sometimes in horrendous games in blitz, but it is blitz.
Positions are unbalanced and Black also gets a "brutal attack" of his own.
Plus, I dont see what is the problem of defending when you are up a few pawns, they are pretty interesting games. One side needs to correctly defend and probably get the win while the other one needs to checkmate or resign.
Well, maybe the getting mated in 20 moves or less hasnt just happened on blitz. I just remembered an OTB game with the 10.g4 lines in which I played the mainline with Nc5 (instead of Bxg5+) and my opponent played 16.Bh3 which is a sideline I wasnt familiared. I played 16...b4 daring him to sacrifice with Nd5 and things got messy. He then sacked another knight on e6 and I had two ways to recapture, I chose the one that was kind of good for White but forgot to play an Intermezzo I had already seen and I got mated like in 30 moves lol.

If I find a way to publicly shame myself by posting a diagram I will do it.

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