
Why do most people play chess and why?

Why do most people play chess and why? Why do you play chess message down.. its really interesting to hear why do people even play chess?
@Manasroyal1 said in #1:
> Why do most people play chess and why? Why do you play chess message down.. its really interesting to hear why do people even play chess?
I needed an excuse for the question 'what sport do you play'
most people dont play chess, like 0.1% people play chess
@Manasroyal1 said in #1:
> Why do most people play chess and why? Why do you play chess message down.. its really interesting to hear why do people even play chess?

It's the only socially acceptable way of humiliating the stupid plus many women are chess groupies (and were even before the Queen's Gambit).
@Manasroyal1 said in #1:
> Why do most people play chess and why? Why do you play chess message down.. its really interesting to hear why do people even play chess?
well why not
Chess has always been what I do whenever I have nothing else to do.

Which is why my improvement has been very spotty.

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