
Why are computer assisted players allowed to take my points?

I have had at least 2 games taken by a cheat, you have not given me those points back but you know they are cheating because of this message:

My score is bad enough as it is and for the first time ever it is now under 1000 which it would not be if you didnt allow this player to scam my points.

Please can i get some feedback, why is he not banned. If this is allowed CAN YOU ADD SOME CODE AND HAVE ASSISTED PLAYERS IN WITH A RED COLORED FONT PLEASE.

We need something to stop this or at least warn us without having to check. It should be clearly seen CHEATS ARE RED.

Thank you
Yes, i seen that after they played against me more then once. I even have a screenshot of them admitting it! They slipped up and said that they were not using it during a private tournament yesterday. They have been flagged, i have them admitting to it, and yet they get to stay and scab peoples scores. I am low as it is, a cheat is the last thing i need.

Absolute joke. (not you, i mean the fact this is allowed with such evidence to the facts).
@nuffsed81 , just don't care, play, play as anonymous, if you feel that there is something you don't like: your opponent is much too fast,because he is playing his studied routine, or lets you wait for the second move, to get you off your concentration.... you start a new game ..lichess is not chess! Lichess is internet....
They don't "get to stay and scab peoples scores", when they are marked they can't play any rated games anymore so nobody's scores will be "stolen" ...
AFAIK, cheaters cannot play rated games. The player was probably marked as a cheater after they had already played you.

Your points can be refunded depending on the circumstances... there's an algorithm for determining when and how much you get back. Remember that rating points in chess are designed to be a measure of your skill. If you play a cheater and then play 100 more games after that, the effect of the cheater on your rating is negligible, so your refund will be small or nothing.
Yeah I think your making a big deal about nothing your rating is only 1000 so there really is no reason for most players to even have to cheat in order to beat you. I think cheating is where you have the elite player over 2000 that is the type of player most cheaters would cheat against cheating against a 1000 rated player just makes no sense. Also don't blame your 1000 rating on cheaters you need to learn better chess skills. My advice is watch games by players rated at the 1500 level and compare what they are doing to what you are doing and you should be able to spot a lot of your mistakes. Also when you play a game do a game analyses by the computer and learn from your mistakes. I am a 1400 to1500 player and I hope to one day be a legitimate 1600 player and maybe one day be rated in the 1700's. The only thing I can say about your 1000 rating is you have a lot of room for improvement. I used to play at that level but then I turned 12 well anyway best of luck with your chess and I wouldn't worry so much about cheaters nobody really has to cheat to beat you.
@BOBMILIN If you read the original post of mine i clearly state my score is "low enough as it is" meaning i am not any good. I did not say he was the reason for my score at any time.

However he was the reason i dropped below my 1000 goal (low i know but is that is not the point).

I don't think my rating has anything to do with anyone having a right to cheat against me and have no idea why you are even highlighting my score. What has my score or his score (which was approx the same) got to do with anything?

The player got flagged i got half my points back so at least i can have some confidence in this site, and i can be confident that not everyone thinks a players rating has any relation to cheating. A cheat is a cheat
@rkwe4477 @BOBMILIN He got flagged i got a few of the points back so it wasn't him playing faster or me being paranoid. He admitted afterall.

Just so everyone knows i will also say again:

THE RIGHT TO CHEAT AGAINST THEM. What is the reason for highlighting my very low
rating, i can think of one reason but i will leave it unvoiced.

I didnt want this thread to start keyboard battle of words but some people seem to be defending the cheat, or just seem to be very argumentative. OH well the truth surfaced and was dealt with. This thread did what was intended in the end despite the fact that some not understanding that cheating is pathetic whether or not your rating is pathetic or not.


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