
White pieces (opponents play unfairly)

Every opponent I have played today outside of the tournament had white pieces.
This is unfair play by my opponents, I am going to play only in tournaments (tournament games are random) until Lichess Bans unfair players.
And every opponent i had played also aborted when they got black pieces(and then challenged me with white pieces).
I wouldn't hold your breath about colour selection being removed. The system works fine. Why not make your own games and select random sides?
Well, they removed color selection for most things.
Antichess, Racing Kings, Horde, Atomic, Three Check all do not allow color selection.
Only Standard, Crazyhouse, 960, and KotH do allow it

Not sure why they wouldnt just eliminate it for all things.

Problem is; some people on the 'not allowed to choose' variants simply abort any game that they dont get the starting color they want.

Without naming names, one of the high up top 100 horde players has never once played white.
Thats incredibly cheap and a slap in the face to those that made the top list legitimately.

Personally, I feel like aborting games you start should also result in a 'mark' on your profile (# of games aborted) and if this reaches a certain % of your total games you get some sort of penalty; whatever that maybe.

Or, make it to where aborting a game results in you not being able to start a new one for 5 minutes or something. That would seriously cut down on the number of people doing it.

Or, of course, make aborting games a actual loss that results in rating loss.

Long story short; need some due diligence in the setup of some of this stuff.

As it stands, a good % of the top 100 players across all variants have absolutely no business being in the top 100; only making such rank by exploiting loopholes in the system.
Side note
Heh, not top 100, but came across a player the other day with a 1875 rating....and they have NEVER once played a opponent over 1500 rating. Thats not really a exploit; as one could only get so high doing that; just thought I'd mention it because I found it utterly hilarious. 14,000 games+ all against players with less than 1500 rating lel.
I don't think the system is perfect. I personally always pick random because I don't want to be deficient in one side over an other. I thinks it's wrong that some people would do that to pad their rating & agree that consistent aborts should result in a penalty too. My point does still stand though that anyone can make their own game and can select random sides and not deal with this issue at all. @DollaHollaAtcha
Yea its definitely not much of a problem in the standard variant.

I only see a true issue with Antichess & Horde; as Antichess is solved as a forced win for white playing e3 and Horde is likely a forced win for black (a starting position eval of -5), so the solution of horde is even easier on black comparably to antichess for white; as anti was solved with a much lower starting eval on white.

Im not even that good at horde and I still win as black against 2ks+ way more than I lose; have had several games that were 1-0-0 to 3-0-0 simply because the solutions are blatantly obvious.

Long story short:
People that play only White in Anti or Black in Horde are practitioners of witchcraft and should be burned at the stake.
Do people that choose random get matched with people who have selected a side ?

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