
Which is your favourite opening

White: London system, Nimzowitsch-Larsen attack, Staunton gambit, urosov gambit, fried liver attack, English.

Black: modern benoni, ond benoni, czech benoni, dragon sicilian, najdorf sicilian, paulsen sicilian, stafford gambit....I like a lot of them.
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@SteveWanton "I want to reach level 800" (now deleted by you?) then try to improve basics, maybe focus on one opening for white and continue using it in every game. Analyse your games to improve the opening - then you will be adding Elo for free in a way. Same with black, focus on a few responses. And forget e2-e3 etc. A real opening approved by stockfish. Stay focused on this one white opening and black responses (two is enough when you are black) and it will give you a great advantage at your level. Analyse your games via the analyse function. If you just want to play a lot of games without improving that's fine as well.
Queens gambit.
Kings Indian attack.
Kings Indian defense.
Queens Indian attack.
Queens Indian defense.
Those are the openings I play.
My fav depends on my mood any given day I suppose.
I like italian opening.
e2-e4 / g1-f3 / f1-c4 (or c5) / c2-c3 / castle
Four knights game always unless the opponent doesn't cooperate.. and then I still put out the Knights and e and d pawns anyway in some other order..
I look for excitement in the middle game and endgame..
For White: Richter-Veresov
Leads to very fun and chaotic attacking positions(at least when black doesn't transpose to the French). Far too sharp to have as my main white opening which is why I couple it with the QG and the occasional Catalan.

For Black: Modern Scandinavian
Comes with lots of attacking chances and can be very hard to play against if you aren't well prepared. It has helped me get completely winning positions straight out of the opening even against masters.

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