
Which defence is better?

At your level it does not matter.
The present belief is Sicilian.
Both defences will allow you to draw the game assuming both sides play the best moves, so it's up to your choice.
Sicilian is better. That being said the French is a top tier opening and if you prefer closed positions then it’s going to get you those more consistently. I play 2... e6 Sicilians so ironically I have to play both positions.
For Dyanamic double edged positions Sicilian is better.For Closed positions where you are willing to break the centre with c5 but have to contend with the c8 bishop being bad...then French is better!
Sicillian, although Nepo played the French twice in the current candidates cycle so it's obviously a viable opening on top level. Wesley So plays it when he's trying to beat 2600s as well
I dont wanna sound rude but french is easier to play, I have heard from a lot of people not to play sicilian with <2000 rating
ye gods u should be playing the elephant gambit like me hurumph
although if i had to pick between french and siccilian i would 100% always pick the french
Both are very highly regarded defenses, but they play very differently in most cases, and both lead to interesting positional and tactical play.

In generalities, the French is a classical/logical way to directly confront White's center and can get fairly sharp as both players build the tension and pressure in the center, only to blast open the pawn chain when the opportunity presents itself. The Sicilian is more subtle and can be less intuitive, where White gets initiative and space, but black tends to get a solid structure with queenside expansion and an open c-file to control. Of course, this is a simplification as different variations have different amounts of tension and varying themes.

For the past while, the Sicilian has generally been more fashionable, but the French is still a top tier fighting defense with room for creative play.

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