
Which Book would you recommend?

@MaestroTactico said in #2:
> I recommend you a book wich is not about endgames, but general chess understanding, look at the book How to study chess by your own by GM Davorin Kuljasevic, great book for people like us who dont have a chess coach
I've really benifitted from a Kuljasevic book called "Beyond Material". Highly recommend it.
I write opening books (see profile) and am 2276 peak bullet here (for what that's worth) but for endgames no book even comes close to "Domination in 2,545 Endgame Studies." It teaches you how to make your opponent's pieces literally fall off the board and has incredible middlegame applications. I used to read it when in transit back when you had to travel to play chess (the 1980s) and didn't have engines or tablebases telling you everything.

Also the specialized books by Batsford were good "Queen and Pawn Endings" particularly (also Rook v. Minor piece etc.) because many pawn endings turn into queen endings. I liken that to "zero g combat training" like in Star Trek: First Contact.
I found general endgame books like Shereshevsky's to be too vague and just intuitive theory. Useful, but no substitute for patterns. The Batsford series is probably what you'd like ("Rook and Pawn Endings" is good) I recommended Domination in 2,545 Endgame Studies and while that is a bunch of diagrams it's grouped by theme and will help with strategy.
There is a cool book by Soltis: "100 Chess Master Trade Secrets". Only 25 of these 100 secrets are endgame methods. But they are great and very useful.

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