
What's wrong with me: I am playing so badly

Just look at the last 20 or so games that I've played. I used to be a decent 1900ish player but now I am struggling to stay in the 1800s and the only games that I have won were on time... I feel like when I am playing that I'm losing it and I don't have the control that I used to have...
You're playing like... super passively, and a lot of your attacks lose momentum because of it.

My approach to chess recently has been "take the win instead of waiting for your opponent to give it to you". You need to think about how you can take control over the board and get your pieces working together to achieve a working structure; look aggressively for ways to convert minor advantages to a win.

The caro-kann that you played here just seems disjointed. Attempting to defend the b2 pawn in a futile way with a knight that will be forced out moments later.

Look for the holes in your opponents' positions. Do they have light/dark square weaknesses? Have they over-developed their pawn structure and left their back-ranks under-defended to a knight making use of the vacated space? Do you have a pawn majority on one of your flanks? Is there a file waiting for you to occupy it with a rook?

These are the questions I ask myself. Instead of asking yourself what's weak in your position all the time, you need to ask what's weak in your opponent's position and formulate an attack to exploit those weaknesses.
don't go over aggressive and dont be over passive. Have balance between offense and defense. Know when to back off and change strategy.
Most important of all....develop your minor pieces first as quickly as possible.
I can't say much, 'coz I am just a small 1400 player, who drops to 1300 at the bad times. But you have my empathy.
when frustrated find something new and crazy to follow :)
E.g. I hate when my opponents play caro-kann and especially french opening as black. Why? Because I feel exactly as you in a situation where I don't know how to progress my game.

Thus my current idea is to try out openings which will force black into something more suitable for me.

Regarding passive vs. aggressive I feel that a lot of times I act passive as of lack of seeing potentials in attacks. What did help were actually playing a bunch of bullet or 3min games. Here you need to focus on heavy attacks to get your opponent dizzy :) Afterwards analyse the games and then try to move some of those tactics to your longer lasting games.

Hope this helps in a way
Or you can switch to tic-tac-toe ! That way you won't need to worry about losses...
same for me but 100 pts below you and I know the reason, I'm bored and tired these days.
I don't believe your style changed suddenly. shape does.
My skill hasnt changed in 10 years of playing this.
Books didnt help,
chess puzzles (the tactics ones) are useless,
playing doesnt do crap whether its longer blitz or bullet.
Long games I dont like online (one mistake and its over, plus its just different from real board).

Feels bad.
Chess is more like chore for me. Dont enjoy it as much as I used to (I wonder why lol).

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