
What is your lichess rating vs

Lichess ratings are actually inflated so it's no wonder.
@Goofy00 said in #3:
> Because these threads come up again and again. Is has been discussed that often.
> And don't ping me. And just because I have a different opinion you don't have the right to call me a troll.

Because new players have the same questions as the other players had when they where new. But if you dont like this thread, why do you open it and read it?
@giancz91 yes it is annoying. People give thumbs down for no reason at all, seems they do not know when to give thumbs up or thumbs down.
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For me is fun.
I joined when I was a weak player, maybe 1400 rated in lichess. I am rated 1100-1200 in
I occasionally play during online classes now. So they remained as 1200 only. I think I can get 1500 blitz and 1700 rapid there.

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