
What is the best way to improve your chess faster and win more games?

"... Logical Chess [(Batsford edition by Chernev)] ... a collection of 33 games ... is definitely for beginners and players who are just starting to learn about development, weak squares, the centre, standard attacking ideas, and the like. In many ways, it would [be] a wonderful 'first' book (or first 'serious' book, after the ones which teach the rules and elementary mates, for example), and a nice gift for a young player just taking up chess. ..." - IM John Watson (1999)

the best ? I do not know.
I can give you advices on how not to progress...
- play blitz all the day long against lower rated players
- learn openings (and their traps) by heart
- never play OTB tournaments
- never analyse your games
- watch YT channels every evening

However, if you spend time about thinking process, tactics, analysis and working with a training program, you would be on the right path. At least one hour a day.
Try to google these last four points and find the ideas that suit you best.
Play slower games against players rated at least as good as yourself in rated or casual - not against much lower rated players. Try and use all or most of that time. Theres no point in playing a 30 minute game and making 30 moves in 5 minutes.

Your rating is only a number that acts as a guide. So this applies whether you're 800 or 1800. Do not become obsessed by that number.

Do puzzles regularly to try and learn the different ideas behind the puzzles....fork, discovered attack, pinning, clearance etc etc etc. Puzzle rush has lots of good ideas that you will start to spot during games or you'll at least be looking for tactics.

Try and stick to the basic principles (centre control, develop pieces and castle) and learn a couple of openings and play them regularly but be prepared to adapt them don't just play moves quickly without thinking and at least trying to see what your opponent is throwing at you.

If you're not in the mood for it, don't play. When I get to the point I want to destroy my iPad, i go and do something else while I cool down - but then I hate losing.

Three years ago I knew how to move pieces and that was it. Slowly slowly catchee monkey. There are no shortcuts. Try and learn from your mistakes.. mine is not checking landing squares - this costs me no end of games and makes me want to explode every time. One day I will learn not to do it.
Look, if you want to become a serious player, there is no shortcut. It's not like there's a secret to winning games and improving. Study books, solve puzzles, WITHOUT MOVING THE PIECES analyse positions and see strong players games is the best advice i can give. Generally, you shouldn't ask such broad questions, if people knew the best way to improve fast everyone would be a gm
@Evan2019 Tactics is the most important element of chess at every level of chess. As you are 1700+ in blitz, become better in tactics, learn some advanced endgames and strategies. Also learn positional play to improve your position. Great tactics are always from great positions. You can also memorise the first 10 to 15 moves of your favourite grandmaster.

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