
Time controls in quick pairing are too extreme...

I totally agree. I think many more people would play Rapid if an increment was included in the quick pairing. This would standardize the time control, in the way 3+2 and 5+3 do. The user doesn't need to guess what increments other players use (as in rapid), they are already standardized in the quick pairing.

I've played many Rapid games on this and other accounts, and think that 10+0 is a deranged concept (long game with no increment) -- they're classical games for 20 minutes that then turn into bullet games in the last 30 seconds -- totally unsatisfying and nonsensical. I would play 15+15, but as pointed out, this is a substantially longer game than the default rapid.

If 2+1 bullet is included in the quick match, then surely a rapid with increment should be! Bullet and blitz matches have a standardized increment (which people flock to), but there's no standardization of Rapid with increment?! Why not? Why is Rapid arbitrarily treated differently?

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