
Time boost when there is a significant ranking difference between players that favors the stronger

Lichess has lag compensation.
No one get disadvantage from lichess theoretically.
If someone outperform in premoves, he has better techniques than you.
To improve it, first you have to accept the truth!
Remove your ego and denial.
Yes @drmrboss he outperformed me in premoves by being the slower player with a -20 sec difference lol and yes boss i have to free myself from the ego and other bossy tactics
u r idiot i can move more then 10 move in 1 second while premoving improve your connection setting,
@Pankajkirola so i have to improve my connection setting to stop being an idiot and to premove 10 times in a second just to play like u and reach ur 1747 bullet rank which i did already? lol ok man

@gbtami this is what u really understand from this thread i suppose
u r to weak and to slow challenge me i will show u how to move in bullet,,
The only thing I am confused about is the comments on the game which seem to support @carmageddon69 's idea. I don't know if they have always been there but if they have they give some credence to his idea. I have never encountered an issue like this myself but maybe the code messed up this one time (as unlikely as that seems). If it did mess up though I don't think that we can automatically assume that it did so because one player was significantly stronger than the other. The more likely (though still very unlikely) scenario is that some unknown element messed up the functioning of the website. However, I find this extremely unlikely too. Does anyone know when the comments on the game by MrScribbles and MightyMouse27 were added?
@AlexandeRufus i also forgot to mention that this was a tournament game and not a single challenge( i found it obvious to miss this part due to the ranking difference it would be impossible for a 2k to accept such a challenge)

I'm telling this now cuz maybe in tournament games the coding is slightly different due to the existence of both time elements(the 1h tournament time and the 1 minute bullet time inside the game) idk really,just a thought.Thanks for posting this and Mighty Mouse and MrScribbles also.So much interesting now that i'm seeing their comments which are the following:

MightyMouse27why didnt he just
MightyMouse27press "give time"
MrScribblesLichess source code clearly giving White an advantage here.

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