
Take back requests during rated games

Am I the only person who thinks it's bad form to ask for a take back during a rated game? I blunder plenty but don't expect sympathy.
@DontPanicSpall. You mean its "bad form" to use a feature that you yourself agreed to your opponent being able to use?
If that's the case then disable it in your preferences. But make sure not to mouse-slip yourself afterwards I would recommend. Also you are talking about mouse-slips right?
Even if you are talking about blunders then again you yourself agree to your opponent being able to ask, so it's kinda your own fault.
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I don't have any problem with people asking. I'll pretty much always accept takebacks, even in rated. I'm not going pro anytime soon, so rated games are still pretty "casual" for me
I think it depends on the takeback, if its a clear mouse slip then I usually give it but if its a post-move regret takeback, I never give it. Usually it is pretty easy to tell which is which, like moving their queen directly in front of my piece is probably a mouse slip but if they ask for takeback like 5+ seconds after moving then they probably made a mistake and want to play a better move
Only children and weak adults ask for a takeback and grant it. Unless your getting trolled for a nice mate about to drop on you because your a complete id•i•o•syn•cra•sy ĭd″ē-ō-sĭng′krə-sē
I once asked for a take-back over a mouse slip
it was meant to be a queen sack on the back rank with mate next move
but some how she ended up on the 7th instead,
if you listen very carefully you can still here them laughing to this day as they took her away to chess jail.
Disable it if you don't like it. I disabled it for rated games, so I don't have to deal with it. Mouse slips happen. I lose games due to mouse slips. I have won games due to mouse slips. But I disable the takeback option and never ask for a takeback since I don't want to deal with it. With that said, asking for a takeback is not bad form as it is a feature of Lichess that you can choose to disable.
Most takeback requesters seem to be players who never think more than 1-2 seconds per move. Then they want a takeback just so they can flag you - no thanks.

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